Artificial superintelligence
2 weeks ago
Random thoughts on the blue highways.
You never know what you will find on the blue highways. Particularly when the choice at an intersection is controlled by the roll of a die. About the only rule is that highway onramps don't count as an intersection. You don't even have to roll the die. If one road looks interesting, go for it.
Thanks for considering the children.Most computers, smart phones and even home routers have controls to exclude unwanted internet content. Parents who think porn is bad can filter it. Social controls (your conscience) is not the answer.
Nice social conscience.IamGreatest
I read a study a few months ago about young boys and the effects of viewing porn (as a mom of two boys, I was curious) and it focused on the fact that porn skews a person's view of sex and of 'normalcy.' In the study, the boys interviewed thought all girls looked like the girls in porn and if they didn't then that was weird (i.e., all girls were fully shaved, etc). It also discussed how the sex in porn is not even realistic and so it causes young men (and young girls that view it) to have unrealistic expectations. IMO, porn is not harmless and it's not something that should be viewed by children.christiangirl
And, yet, grown men have their views on sex skewed by porn. It's not just about whether or not a kid is taught about 'normal' sex prior to their viewing porn. ...watching too much porn desensitizes us to 'normal' sex. Studies back me up...christiangirl
Are you actually suggesting that parents take an active roll in raising their own kids? You're asking way too much.mountain_humanist
Liberals think it is the governments job, i.e. "it takes a village."SeraphimSince religious parents and many others have shown they can't do the job of teaching sexuality and defusing porn, perhaps the village stepping in is not a bad idea.
Still, education simply cannot satiate curiosity, it won't. Your 12 year old is still going to want to see what he can see on the internet. After all I have seen and even done I still have curiosity myself from time to time.
That is where things can get weird, even with eduation kids are still forming impressions and still forming connections and can get things sadly wrong with some of the stuff they can see online.
I almost ( I said almost, not quite) think you should do some porny web surfing with kids to be there to correct where things are wrong and where it is not realistic. But I also believe in strong boundaries and can't imagine doing something like that myself. Funderey
I still find you wildly unrealistic and out of touch here. NO, your average run of the mill - NON indoctrinated, not even religious 12 year old is not going to be totally up front and honest about the porn he or she surfed. They will talk to their friends if it is particularly weird. funderey
I don't really believe that a "Papal Bull" would suddenly Solve-the-Problem-of-Irresponsible-Sexual-Behavior ...I have no interest in solving your problem of irresponsible sexual behavior. All I am interested in solving is the problem of unplanned pregnancies and other STDs. It is quite clear that proper education in the advantages of contraception, monogamy or at least limited promiscuity, respect for ones sexual partner, and the importance of both partners being ready financially, emotionally, and socially for parenting, is effective in producing stable families, usually later in life. Teens will have sex. This is normal mammalian behavior. Giving them the information they need to have responsible sex is extremely effective in producing responsible sexual behavior.
I believe that your Assertion is not Fact-based, but instead reflects your Anti-Church Feelings ...