In my experience, mainly with Catholics, I have found that for them God is a real construct of the historical collective consciousness of the parishioners of the particular church or cathedral. When several very good friends genuflect to acknowledging the presence of God, they get a clear and real image of God as present in the space that is unique to the space. That is raiment and ethnicity is different in each space. The overall concept is in accord with the Credo, but the dominant Jesus expression is local. The blond, straight nosed palefaced Jesus depicted in all the traditional images is pretty much what they "see" except in ethnic spaces. A very good friend is Italian and is somewhat put off by the image he gets at St. Pats.
I have actually tried myself but all I get is a vague "presence" feeling as described in the God Helmet experiment. But the genuflect does trigger it. The human mind is a weird and wonderful thing.