I'm ROMAN CATHOLIC. Your gonna tell me what my rules are "FOR ME"
HOW T F does that work? RCCan
It doesn't. And it doesn't happen with most humanists with the possible exception of ex-ROMAN CATHOLICS. Even the ex-Catholics won't tell you what your rules are for you, they will tell you how those rules don't work anymore for them.
Many milk humanists have at least studied the major religions, and may indeed appreciate the benefit for believers of the faiths. It is kind of a fun argument among atheists about which proponents of the faith were actually atheists. The musicians, artists, and craftspeople that provided the fundamentals of the ritual. Since they had to understand the faith from the outside as it were to get commissions, they could focus on the "hot buttons" to make their work meaningful for believers. Many of the famous Catholic masses and prayers, and even more of the protestant music were probably composed by non-believers.