How do atheists deal with sexual moral dilemmas? - Beliefnet
A few important reality checks having to do with sexuality.
1. Modern medicine in developed nations, or developed areas of some nations insures that a conception can be reasonably assumed to generate a reproductively capable adult.
2. A financially and emotionally stable pair bonded couple is generally the preferred parenting paradigm.
3. Mammals have sex at every opportunity past sexual maturity.
4. Humans are mammals with concealed estrus and continual receptivity for sex of the female.
5. Sex is an effective and natural pair bonding activity.
6. Teens tend to pair bond at a relatively early age, but the pair bonding is tentative.
In the Our Whole Lives curriculum of the UU church there are a very few rules for sexuality but there are two that are basic. The first is that sexual activity must never be coerced. Respect for one's partner demands nothing else. The second is that conceiving a child is a 30 year commitment for both parents that should never be an accident.
The result which we see commonly acted out in high schools today is that pair bonding is common, generally taken quite seriously and is reinforced with contraceptive sex. Children in their early teens are earnestly discussing a life together considering educational aspirations, parenting aspirations and timing for same.
I find this to be a very encouraging trend. Kids will enjoy their "friend with benefits." They may or may not pair bond on the first try, although biology will help if they have been somewhat intelligent in their choice. If they do pair bond it is not just getting rocks of for either of the partners. If they do it makes it easy to wait until they are ready for parenting make an informed choice to do so, knowing that the pair bond has been tested and not found wanting. They have their replacement 2.2 children, when they are ready, and can see the maternity break window clearly.
I see this as a much better program than the quick trip to Vegas, then another in a week or so when the sex turns out to be not what they expected, or in a year or so when dad decides he doesn't really want to be one.
The Dem establishment and trans liberation
2 days ago
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