After the war, the dishes
5 hours ago
Random thoughts on the blue highways.
You never know what you will find on the blue highways. Particularly when the choice at an intersection is controlled by the roll of a die. About the only rule is that highway onramps don't count as an intersection. You don't even have to roll the die. If one road looks interesting, go for it.
It simply isn't accurate to say that patriarchy and inequality are intrinsic to the Abrahamic faiths. TheistQuestions: Percentages please, estimates OK, choose a congregation you attend regularly. Or have a friend answer who attends regularly.
Try as you will, you just can't get secular morality to come up with the rules about adult consensual sexual activity that religionists seem to find so necessary.Perhaps the problem is less religion vs secular than pre vs post contraception controllable by women. Women today have many opportunities for sexual gratification outside of the traditional Kinder, Kirche, KĂĽche with a rich husband. Kirche being redefined as socialization, usually in a church, but not necessarily so. Since ~1975 women have been able to make choices about sexual activitiy that do not necessarily involve marriage, children, or even men.
Ebon wrote on beliefnet:It's especially a pointless question for humans because, unlike any other species, we have learned to decouple sexuality and fertility. In prehistoric times, it was in our biological interest for a child's parents to be committed to one another to ensure the survival of the child to adulthood and thereby, the continuation of the genes. In fact, the extended family was even better (and was, historically, the most common form of childrearing) for exactly the same reason.
But that's fairly irrelevent to us now. Since we have largely divorced sex from fertility, monogamy now becomes simply one option among many. For some people, monogamy comes naturally.
They're clearly trying to reach Regular Guys and the universe of gender politicsIn response to this excellent post and other news including the public gang rape in New Delhi and numerous articles on women all over the world including India now being able to choose how many children they wish to have including none. Add to that the empowerment of women in being able to choose the man that will be the father of those children. And the woman's choices not only in sex, but in living, working, and self fulfillment. It may be time to consider the implications of the title.
I often ride the Metro when I commute from North Hollywood to Long Beach in order to save money. I bring a book, pointedly wear a ring on my ring finger to imply I’m married (I’m not) and keep to myself.
Without fail, I am aggressively approached by men on at least half of these commutes. The most common approach is to walk up to where I am sitting with body language that practically screams LEAVE ME ALONE and sit down next to me or as close to me as possible, when the train is not crowded and there are many empty rows. Sometimes an overly friendly arm is draped over the railing behind me, or they attempt to lean in close to talk to me as if we are old friends. Without fail, the man or boy in question will lean to close and ask me
What are you reading?
Is that a good book?
What’s that book about?
So ... you think that The Bishop of Rome is WRONG about 'Abstinence' ...