Courtesy The Other 98% facebook. 10/14/13
I hate the word
It isn't a phobia.
You're not afraid.
You're an Asshole.
Artificial superintelligence
2 weeks ago
Random thoughts on the blue highways.
You never know what you will find on the blue highways. Particularly when the choice at an intersection is controlled by the roll of a die. About the only rule is that highway onramps don't count as an intersection. You don't even have to roll the die. If one road looks interesting, go for it.
I LOVE PENIS!Facebook post of 17yo. male.
One of the Bible stories used to talk about homosexuality is the story of Sodom and Gomorra. Briefly, here is what happened. In Genesis 19, you’ll find the story of two angels visiting Abraham’s brother Lot at his house in Sodom. The men of Sodom gathered, demanding that Lot’s guests be turned over to them to be raped. In that time, rape was a tactic of war, a way to humiliate an enemy. In that region of the world still, hospitality is of the highest value. Lot could not have let his guests be hurt. He offered to give his two virgin daughters to the crowd, but the crowd tried to break down the door instead. The angels blinded the crowd and they couldn't find the door. To assume that homosexuality was the problem here is a gross leap made possible only by a void of cultural understanding.
If you believe in the bible, homosexuality is a sin.
If you don't believe in the bible you could still scientificlly say that it is wrong.
The human bodies are not designed to be homosexual.
We were made up a certain way for a reason.
Now I respect the fact that in nature we often do find glitches or accidents.
I can see a certain chemistry in the brain may be affected like when it is said that a woman is born in a mans body Or the other way around. But I don't believe that is always the case. I feel like certain individuals may have been taught wrong when they were children or possibly molested as a child.
So in other words I think most do it because they want to.
It is still not natural.
I don't care how you try and justify it.
Now don't get me wrong.
I am not a 'gay' hater.
But I do personally feel that it is wrong both spiritually and scientifically.
I try to keep my kids aware that homosexuality is not the 'norm'
And one more thing that I want to speak on. I don't think that gay families should be allowed to adopt children!!
No child should have to grow up in that lifestyle.
If it was meant for homosexuals to have children than the human body would not have been designed for children to be made thru heterosexual intercourse!