Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Teach your children well

Teach your children well - Beliefnet Forums: "Responsible parenting is teaching your children your dreams, your fears, and yes, your Gods, and perhaps if you are really wise where your Gods have failed you."

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Perfection in human terms

Atheism vs Religion - Another Perspective - Beliefnet Forums: "Perfection in human terms is rising above the common existence of people in one's society to teach better ways of relating with each other. It is usually a dangerous quest, as society generally is reluctant to change, especially if there is a God or gods involved. Gods of course deny any perfection associated with humans, as that would make humans better than Gods which are manifestly imperfect by any measure."

Abbado's Mozart c Mass

102.1 KDFC - Casual. Comfortable. Classical. - THE SACRED CONCERT: "MOZART: Mass in C minor, K. 427
Bonney, sop; Auger, sop
Blockwitz, ten; Holl, bass
Berlin Radio Choir; Berlin Philhamronic; Abbado, cond
Sony 46671"

Saturday, May 31, 2008

love and death - Forrest Church : love and death: "Yet without love, nothing matters. Break your life into a million pieces and ask yourself what of any real value might endure after you are gone. The pieces that remain will each carry love’s signature. Without love, we are left only with the aching hollow of regret, that haunting emptiness where love might have been."

Friday, May 30, 2008


Daily Science Trivia from Scientific American: "* we should call the most recent era (starting about A.D. 1700) the 'Anthropocene,' in recognition of the increasing human impact on the planet."

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Religious v. Rational worldviews

Religious v. Rational - Beliefnet Forums: "High intelligence and the ability to use it effectively is quite compatible with the religious worldview, and indeed some have applied that intelligence to understanding their worldview, that is explaining why having faith is beneficial to their lives. But the faith is not questioned, nor is their worldview about the purpose and meaning of their lives (and their science.)"

On the death of a friend.

A D Community Room - Beliefnet Forums: "So I too share in her legacy and will carry forward that memory. I was on the way to a visit to my son who asked about the visit, he is a part of our beliefnet atheist community, and so the ripples spread,"

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Robber Barons or Socialist Princes?

Our Economic Systems - Beliefnet Forums: "Say what you will of the excessive wealth of the Robber Barons both modern and historical but most got that wealth by providing valuable services to their communities, one consumer at a time, at a very reasonable cost to each consumer."

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Religious v. Rational worldviews

Religious v. Rational - Beliefnet Forums: "But unlike Catholics I understand much more about what the Mass is teaching because I don't believe. I can look at the myths and imagery from a rational worldview and integrate the useful lessons and images from them into my rational understanding of my relationships with other people and my own understanding of what it means to "be alive and have to die." Forrest Church.

Forrest Church on being alive and having to die.

In a Richard French Live Profile in Courage Forrest discusses the recent recurrence of the cancer which is almost certainly terminal within the year. A wonderful discussion well worth the too few minutes to watch. "If you want to learn how to live, you should watch someone who is awake and aware die."

Religious v. Rational worldviews

Religious v. Rational - Beliefnet Forums: "The rational worldview has no understanding of faith, or belief. When I say no understanding I mean there is no referent in the worldview for either word. I know what both words mean but can't come up with a mental state that corresponds to either."

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Is a rational prejudice a good prejudice?

Prejudice v Evidence - Beliefnet Forums: "Rational thought is not necessarily benevolent thought."

On stealing

Prejudice v Evidence - Beliefnet Forums: "I will still think about nuanced applications, fair use of copyrighted material, as an example, or ripping an out of print CD with a direct contribution to the originator. But I can do this because I have thought about why I do not steal."

China Sacks Plastic Bags: Scientific American

China has it together. US considered it and the plastic guys said no. Guess who won. China Sacks Plastic Bags: Scientific American: "Yet, the Chinese government is set to ban the manufacture and force shopkeepers to charge for the distribution of bags thinner than .025 millimeters thick as of June 1"

Friday, May 23, 2008

Abner1 Questioning prejudices

Prejudice v Evidence - Beliefnet Forums: "You don't seem to realize that you need to be able to question to figure out which things don't need further questioning ... You can't reasonably just put up a wall around your own prejudices and say 'My prejudices should not be questioned, only those that need questioning should be questioned' because the way you find out which prejudices didn't need questioning is to question them all and see which ones survive the light of rational thought!"


Intuitive vs. Rational thinking - Beliefnet Forums: "Harvard? Isn't that some place back East, where they think that because they have 'Veritas' on their escutcheon that anything flowing from any orifice smells good?"

Religion induced atrophy of rationality

Prejudice v Evidence - Beliefnet Forums: "Native intelligence of any level needs exercise if it is not to atrophy. If people are systematically denied the opportunity to use the mind to evaluate issues they lose the ability to do so. All they are left with are the religious indoctrinations that are designed to cover all situations without thinking,"

Judging the Harvard Monkey Lab Moral Sense Test

Intuitive vs. Rational thinking - Beliefnet Forums: "I spent the better part of a day reviewing their protocols, the rationale for their study, and took a few of their tests that were available on line. At the end of the day I decided that the study was sufficiently flawed that for my purpose, which is the justification of atheistic morality, their study warranted no more of my time."

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Economic Success and Community Service

Intuitive vs. Rational thinking - Beliefnet Forums: "Just because the brilliant doctor is paid well for using his intelligence to cure cancer, does not mean he is not using his inherited gift to serve the community."

"Reason" to be Proud.

Intuitive vs. Rational thinking - Beliefnet Forums: "It is our ability to reason that is our major evolutionary advantage over animals that are instinctively more vicious, stronger, faster, and more agile than we are."