Once more assailing religious conceptual blocks. Not expecting to succeed, but the BS cannot remain unchallenged.
JCarlin: Humans have objective moral standards based on evolutionary imperatives for the survival of the species: Altruism, compassion, empathy; shunning of cheaters, liars, and sociopaths; are all cross species needs for survival.
El Apologist: No, evolution also produced people like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and they were very successful at survival for a time so how can you condemn them since their source of morality is the same as yours? And all those things are just chemical reactions in your brain, one set of chemical reactions are no better than another set. And all those standards are just based on irrational sentimentality for the human species, there is nothing special about humans so you are being irrational by favoring human survival if atheistic evolution is true. So they are not objective.
One despot's survival has no evolutionary significance. His crappy genes (He is after all in the image of God) are normally eliminated from the gene pool quickly. The damage he does to the gene pool by his slaughter is much more significant and is the reason his gene pool is typically removed soon after his death, or frequently at the same time. As the Christian French Kings and the EOC Russian Tsar found out too late.
The source of my morality is humanism and respect for all people. The source of a despot's morality is either God or power. Neither are chemicals in the brain but social imprinting usually by religion but occasionally by other sociopathological belief systems. As you necessarily ignore: Hitler was brought up Catholic, and Stalin was brought up Eastern Orthodox through seminary. I am not blaming either Catholicism or Orthodoxy for creating these despots; most people survive religious childhood in both religions as decent human beings. Unfortunately some don't.
JCarlin: jc: Social species have other evolutionary imperatives including respect for vuvuzelas in fancy dresses in over decorated balconies which is where God's dysfunctional moral standards are promulgated as "TRUTH™" including such atrocities as love the bully and abuser because God loves everybody. Of course it helps if the bully or abuser is a male in the image of God and can therefore identify with all the bullying and abuse documented in Scripture most of which is ordered by God and executed by men.
El Apologist: No, God teaches that bullies and abusers should be punished, as it plainly taught in the Mosaic law and even Christ told His disciples to buy a sword for self defense. He also taught to love your enemies, and one way to love them is to mete out justice on them not necessarily you personally but you should report them to the proper authorities as Paul teaches in Romans 13.
God teaches that bullies and abusers should be rewarded with land, sex slaves, regular slaves, and the admiration of God, as is plainly taught in the Mosaic law.
In context the Apostles were to buy swords as Jesus, not Christ yet, would no longer be around to protect them. It turned out that the bullies and abusers were followers of Paul's Christ. Who, need I remind you, was God in your BS.