Aug 13, 2015 -- 1:45AM, Kwinters wrote:The fear of death and loss are enough to turn some people's brains off and stop them from questioning the pure nonsense that religion spouts.
If from birth it is drummed into your brain that nothing you can do in this life is important to God: that everything you do including those things that are natural and necessary for the survival of the species is sinful and must be expiated by a vuvuzela; and that even after death you will be judged not by what you have done but what you have done that is forgiven; it is little wonder that people are "tired of living, and feared of dying."
If from birth it is drummed into your brain that your mission in life is to improve the lives of your neighbors and the environment in which they live so that all children can look forward to better lives; and that you only get one shot at doing so; it is easy to "live a life worth dying for" (Forrest Church). Some do a little, others do a lot, but what you do is more important than how much: A little girl, Alex Scott, was a victim of childhood cancer. She decided to do what she could to help other victims of childhood cancer. She couldn't do much, but at 4 years old she convinced her family to help her set up a lemonade stand and donated the proceeds to her hospital "for research." Sure a few bucks wouldn't do much research, but others noticed her determination and set up their own Alex's Lemonade stand, By the time she died at 8 she and her friends had raised millions. You might still see an Alex's Lemonade Stand, if you do stop and cool off and remember a little girl whose life was worth dying for.