Kristi, it's interesting that you claim to be oh-so-rational - yet when I make a simple comment disagreeing with your tactics, you come out with all the emotional and exaggerated phrases.JewOne
Kristi does not pretend to be rational at least as I read her posts. She is an advocate for women's rights in religion, and in combating belief systems rationality is useless. The fact that you have to argue about tactics is an indication that your strategic position is precarious to say the least.
While Judaism has arguably made more progress in women's rights historically as well as currently, perhaps you will admit that rational arguments carry no weight at all with the majority of Jewish men. They have to be shamed and emotional arguments are the only way to get through to them.
Believe it or not, Kristi is working for you and Shusha and all Jewish women as well as all victims of religious misogyny. I tend to agree with her that the Abrahamic God is the problem for women in religions, and all the commentary in the world may not be enough to salvage the God of Abraham even for the Jews.
Paul was no piker in reinforcing the message, but then again he was trying to salvage his version of Judaism from the ravages of Jesus and perhaps Hillel both of whom IMO essentially rejected the God of the Torah for a more personal user friendly deity.