They're clearly trying to reach Regular Guys and the universe of gender politicsIn response to this excellent post and other news including the public gang rape in New Delhi and numerous articles on women all over the world including India now being able to choose how many children they wish to have including none. Add to that the empowerment of women in being able to choose the man that will be the father of those children. And the woman's choices not only in sex, but in living, working, and self fulfillment. It may be time to consider the implications of the title.
All of these have contributed to the fact that a large portion of the male population has been denied any opportunity for consensual sex, as they do not have the necessary respect to gain consent. They are locked in the old culture where the man is the aggressor, and the woman is compliant. There are women who remain in this culture as well, cultures change slowly, but contraception has given women a different kind of empowerment in that they can engage in casual sex without fear of the major consequence of pregnancy. They can send those mixed signals and enjoy the resulting sex, preferably without rape, but in any event without consequences. But where does that leave the men who for one reason or another always get the unmixed signal of NO? Sorry to say it is their fault, or at least the fault of the sexist culture they live in, but most women do not like the idea of being property even for the reason of having sex. For those men the two choices are rape and internet porn. Obviously the latter is preferable and commonly the only option, but opportunistic rape will still occur.
Women secure in their empowerment generally have no interest in and avoid the rape culture. They send no mixed signals, they do not even go to places where signals can be mixed. For them sex is a result of a relationship not a goal, and any man that doesn't understand that won't get any signals at all.