Do you think there might be a biological advantage to having two parents that actually 'make love'? As opposed a family where the woman gets raped on a weekly basis? [...]I have six children. And we would have had more if I were up to it. [...] This happened because I sacrificed my life for my family and children.J'C: "It would seem that parents that make love is almost a evolutionary necessity for a stable family and properly nurtured children. Which is why I object to the common religious edict that sex should not be making love it should be making children. The number of children resulting from that lovemaking should be a choice not chance, as you point out. You sacrificed your life for your family, which is a reasonable choice that I respect if your wife agreed with sacrificing her non-family contribution to society, I assume she did not work other than at home and family, and your sacrifice was the entire material support for the family.
Now does it bother me that they [atheists] much prefer recreational sex to procreational sex. [...]
Others may make a different choice, considering the overpopulation of the planet, that would be to combine recreational sex (I certainly hope you didn't deprive your wife of that when conception was not intended) with reproductive sex only for replacement levels. 2.3 kids, usually 2 to make up for those who choose more and both parents contribute to the economic and nurturing health of the family. I sacrificed my career several times to the needs of the family and my wife's career, and we shared the home duties equally with both doing more than our share so that the children would get the support and socialization that they needed. It worked out for the children which is most important."
Can you tell me why it is that certain religions, whether by formal doctrine or custom seem to revel in the large families and the larger the better. I worked with a number of Mormons and it appeared the minimum number of children in a family was 4 and one family had 14. The Rowans were my neighbors; that Catholic family had 18 children. Mr. Rowan worked 2fulltime jobs and with the help of his Parish, they built a second 3 story house along side their old 3 story house so that there would be 2 full kitchens and enough bedrooms and bathrooms for everyone.
Does the Population Explosion mean anything to these people or do they somehow think they are complying with God's will?
Desert marauding used up a lot of young men. Infant and maternal mortality used up a lot more. Religions that rely on desert marauding morality from their holy book can't do anything else. I don't know what the Mormon's excuse except perhaps Joseph Smith's concupiscence.
Plus the option is recognizing women as part of the human race. And what testosterone poisoned God would want that?
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