Through his ignorance, man fears death; but the death he shrinks from is imaginary and absolutely unreal; it is only human imagination.J'C: "I neither fear nor shrink from death. Birth and death are the frame for my life that provide the purpose and meaning for my living. Whether death is real or unreal makes no difference in my living. The total absence of any evidence other than empty promises of religious con men of any form of existence after death, would indicate to me that what is important in any event is living. I will devote all of my energy and resources to that living, confident that come what may after death the living will be the only meaningful part of existence. Now or later. If there is a later."
Artificial superintelligence
2 weeks ago
I am glad you responded as you did, however, Seefan's argument that claims death is an illusion, a transformation from one form to another, is in error.
His "proof" is that the physical matter is not lost or destroyed but simply transformed to a new state. The unspoken part of the proof hinges on the idea that the most important part of a human is non-material and unaffected by physical death.
The states of being alive or not alive are two very different states; any "proof" that claims nothing has really changed and has only transformed, so long as the atoms are still existent, long stretch from reality. My friend Trans J used that argument and added that the potential for the atoms to be included in a new living form, was proof of the possibility of reincarnation.
Great!! I can look forward to coming back as a maggot.
I almost used the maggot imagery myself. Maggots prey on the body when it is dead. Religious con men prey on the souls of the living. I hope you weren't looking forward to coming back as a religious con man.
Heavens Forbid!!!
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