Thread - where is the apeman??
From Ken : "Young Earth Creationists don't belong to the species Homo sapiens. They believe they were created from 'the dust of the ground' about six thousand years ago. If they're right, they can't be related to those of us who evolved from countless generations of animals during millions upon millions of years. We're Homo sapiens. They're a kind of pottery."
The Dem establishment and trans liberation
2 days ago
YECs scare me sooo much. I had a friend who was a YEC, how we were friends I do not know, but he was actually teaching Bio 101 courses to college freshman. AHHH!!! :)
Did he include ID in his course? How about evolution? As you note in the next post ID might not be a bad idea to help his fellow YECs get through the class without thinking.
Q 1. Hominids diverged from Pan
A 7.5 million years ago.
B 10.5 million years ago
C. 5500 years ago.
D. God made each kind separately.
Obviously D is always a correct answer!
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