Dawkins Scale - Beliefnet Forums: "I find the Jefferson Bible useful in focusing on just what it was that induced Jesus' cult (the original disciples) to follow the Roman custom of making a God out of any special person. It is not to be read instead of the Gospels, but along with them.
I think the deification of Jesus was also critical in preserving the Gospels in the canon after Paul trashed his message to create the Christ he needed to save Christians from the sins that Jesus seemed to care little about. Reading the Jefferson Bible along with Paul is an exercise in cognitive dissonance that makes one wonder why Paul chose Jesus."
The Dem establishment and trans liberation
2 days ago
I have that book, it's worthless but slightly more rational than the regular Bible.
Please tell the McCain/Palin Campaign (preferrably politely) why teaching creationism in our public schools around America is superstitious and is not in our nation's best interests. These are the feelers McCain has out there, the way in which Americans can have a voice and be heard by his campaign:
Contact his campaign directly here:
Or go to his blogs and leave a polite message about the subject matter wherever appropriate:
Remember, McCain does a lot of things right and is a great heroic war veteran who genuinely puts his country first, but Creationism is one key area where he is completely wrong and could potentially create a major setback for American students and businesses. We can't let America fall behind foriegn countries in the departments of Science and Technology because of his superstitious beliefs.
If Jesus is worthless, so is the Jefferson Bible. However, I would argue that Jesus is one of the most important people in history, and the Jefferson Bible is the best way to learn about and understand him. Deifying humans was a common vice in the Roman Culture, so it does not bother me that the apostles (not Paul) did their best to create a deity. Which deity Paul destroyed for his Christian cult.
As for Creationism and ID in the schools, that is the least of McCain's problems. I wouldn't waste any comment space. I don't think trying to influence his campaign is possible or cost effective for the non-religious community. We don't exist for him.
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