Thursday, April 9, 2015

New Atheism


I suspect the New Atheism is a marginal and almost ignorable part of atheism.  The important parts of atheism are

  1. The nominally religious but godless with respect to the traditional Controlling Supernatural Deity.  Traditionally referred to as Deists.  Including the "Two Great Commandment" personal God of Jesus believers.  
  2. Spiritual but not religious.  Probably including most pagans. 
  3. Humanists of all types:  Secular Humanists, godless UUs and UCC's and humanists.
  4. And (lc a) atheists for whom any kind of a God is irrelevant to living and dying. 

Most of these groups are what I call "discovered atheists" that is they found that atheism worked for them and god just became irrelevant to living.  The dying part is more complicated, as many believe in some sort of an afterlife, but gods or Jesus has nothing to do with it.  It is just a natural transition based on how one has chosen to live. 

It will be this group of atheists rather than the "New Atheists" that will shut down the controlling, politically active religious factions. 

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